Auto Pay


Auto Pay is the easiest way to pay your monthly maintenance fee. With Auto Pay, there is no need to write a check every month and no worries about your check getting lost in the mail or arriving late.

  • Your monthly maintenance fee will be electronically withdrawn from your checking or savings account by our bank every month on the day you select.


  • If the monthly maintenance fee changes with the new year, the amount will be automatically updated and the bank will send a letter to notify you.


  • If you are enrolled in Auto Pay and selling your condo, you must contact the Condo 1 office prior to closing to cancel Auto Pay.


  • To enroll in Auto Pay, download the Auto Pay Enrollment Form below and use the following instructions to complete the form.
    • Unit ID: This is your Palm Greens Condo 1 account number. If you do not know this number, leave the field blank.
    • Address: Enter the address that you want the bank to have on file for correspondence with you. 
    • Debit Day: This is the day of the month that you would like the funds to be withdrawn from your account, select either the 1st, 5th or 10th.  
    • Start Month: Enter the month that you would like to start Auto Pay processing.
    • Sign and date at the bottom.
    • Attach a “VOIDED” check from your bank account.
Auto Pay Enrollment Form